Our Primary Doctor

Annual Wellness

At Advanced Family Medical Care we know that providing quality care and delivering the highest quality of service is very important. Along with providing as needed care, we also specialize in screening and prevention. Simply eating healthy and staying active, or going to the doctor when sick is not enough. Screening and prevention are key components in maintaining a healthy and dynamic lifestyle for patients of all ages.

There are many different types of screenings, such as an annual wellness visit or physical. Annual wellness screenings are important for detecting easy to correct problems, potential flare-ups, or larger issues that may become an issue in the future. These screenings are also important to help us monitor issues that are very relevant to overall health.

In addition to basic wellness visits, it is important to maintain routine skin examinations to detect, treat, and prevent potential skin cancer or other skin issues. Dental visits and eye exams are also vital to the prevention of a variety of diseases and health conditions, and are an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

More comprehensive screenings may be needed depending on your age, gender, and overall health. These screenings may include but are not limited to:

These screenings are especially important if you have a family history of related illnesses or if you are predisposed in any way. Talk to your doctor and establish a screening schedule and plan for preventative care as early detection and prevention can save your life. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at